PE-Xc/Al/PE-HD Platinum pipes are manufactured as multilayer pipes, where the base pipe is made of the PE-Xc polyethylene subjected to molecular cross-linking by an electron beam. Laser-welded external aluminium layer prevents oxygen diffusion and, at the same time, significantly lowers the thermal expansion of a pipe. An external coating of the high-density polyethylene PH-ED protects the aluminium layer against mechanical damage.
PE-Xc/Al/PE-HD Platinum pipes are offered in the 14-32mm diameter range and delivered in 25, 50 or 200rm rolls. Platinum pipe sizes are adjusted to standard fittings of System KAN-therm Push Platinum.
Thanks to their multilayer structure (PE-Xc/Al/PE-HD), Platinum pipes keep their shape, are easier to install and perfect for making durable bends.
To ensure and maintain their top quality, KAN-therm Push Platinum pipes should be transported, stored and used as defined in the guidelines specified in the KAN technical documentation.
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