Connecting the elements of System KAN-therm Push Platinum uses a quick, and most importantly, safe (no work with open fire) technology of sliding sleeve (Push). Tight connections without O-rings are made by sliding a brass or plastic sleeve on the connector and the pipe with a manual, hydraulic or battery-powered press tool. The connections do not require any additional sealing, such as Teflon tape or tow.
Cut a multilayer PE‑Xc/Al/PE‑HD Platinum pipe to a required length with a cutter. The cut should be perpendicular to the pipe axis.
Insert the sleeve on the pipe. Match
the sleeve to the pipe diameter.
Plastic sleeves are
symmetrical and do not have to be
positioned on the pipe.
Expand the pipe with
a manual or
battery-powered expander.
Slide the connector into the pipe to the last protrusion on the fitting.
Slide the sleeve with a manual, hydraulic pedal-operated or battery-powered press tool. The fittings may be caught only by their flanges. Do not slide two sleeves at the same time.
When sliding the sleeve on the fitting, monitor the assembly process - after the sleeve is against the fitting flange, stop the sliding process. The connection is ready for the pressure testing.
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