Connecting the system elements is performed by means of socket welding (thermal polyfusion) by means of electric welders. This welding method creates uniform connections and guarantees exceptional tightness and mechanic durability of the installation.
The selected pipe should be cut perpendicularly to the axis to the required length by means of plastic pipe cutters. It is not allowed to use other tools or cutters which are faulty (blunt or chipped).
Put the sliding sleeve onto the pipe. Symmetrical construction makes double-sided assembly possible.
Pipelines of diameters of 90 - 200mm can also be butt-welded (without fittings).
3. Marking the insertion depth
4. Insert the pipe into the connector
5. Programming the welding machine with the laser scanner (the welding machine adjusts parameters automatically)
6. Starting the welding process - the pipe must not be rotated, bent or pulled during the process.
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