An extensive offer of polypropylene pipes makes it possible to apply System KAN-therm PP Green pipes in nearly all types of installations, beginning with central heating, through hot and cold tap water installations and compressed air installations, to special installations designed to transport aggressive media and technological installations.
Uniform PP pipes Green pipes do not require additional mechanical processing before welding. They are usually applied in installations with low or medium temperature of the medium transported, e.g. cold and hot tap water, compressed air or installations for transporting aggressive media.
Available in the range PN 16/S3,2 (SDR7,4) and PN 20/S2,5 (SDR6).
PP Green Stabi pipes, where a layer of aluminium tape is used to strengthen the pipe as part of its structure. Pipes of this type, due to the their low coefficient of thermal expansion, are most often used for installations with high temperature
The construction of PP Green Glass pipes combines the properties of Stabi pipes with the comfort of assembly of uniform pipes. Thanks to the application of a layer of glass fibre, the pipes do not require any additional mechanic treatment (removal of Al foil) prior to sealing, plus they feature a low thermal elongation coefficient. Pipes of this type are most often used for installations with a high temperature of the transported medium, e.g. central heating. Available in the range PN 16/S3,2 (SDR7,4) and PN 20/S2,5 (SDR6).
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